Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Top 20 men's imperfections

1.He doesn't agree with her family.
2.He uses her toothbrush.
3.He leaves dirty the toilet seats.
4.He hates her friends.
5.He isn't good with children .
6.He's lazy.
7.He has a big beard thet he never shaves.
8.He leaves the nail scissors everywhere.
9.He drives everywhere as a runner.
10.He has always a bad humor.
11.He's mom's son.
12.He uses the toilet with the door open.
13.He leaves dirty clothes on the floor
14.He doesn't order the hair on the face.
15.He critizes her deiving.
16.He leaves gases.
17.He hates dogs .
18.He doesn't help washing dishes too.
19.He watches football all day.
20.He doesn't help in cooking.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Top 20 muških nesavršenosti

1.Ne slaže se s' njenom porodicom.
2.Koristi njenu četku za zube.
3.Ostavlja toaletnu školjku prljavu.
4.Mrzi njene prijatelje.
5.Nije dobar sa decom.
6.Mrzljiv je.
7.Ima veliku, bušavu bradu koju nikad ne brije.
8.Ostavlja makaze za nokte svuda.
9.Vozi kao trkač.
10.Nemćorest je.
11.Mamin sin je.
12.Koristi WC sa otvorenim vratima.
13.Ostavlja prljavu odeću na podu.
14.Ne sredjuje vlakna na licu.
15.Kritikuje njenu vožnju.
16.Podrugnuje ili ispusta gasove.
17.Mrzi kučiće.
18.Ne pomaže pri pranje sudje.
19.Gleda previše sport.
20.Ne pomaže pri kuvanje.